Hippeastrum 'Chico' ®

Extreme (cybister) flower shape, dark red with green flowers. Spider Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the potting soil. Use a large pot with an opening for water drainage. Heat is mainly needed for the development of the stem, so place the bulb at room temperature. Give the bulb little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and leaf appear, the amaryllis needs more water daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting before the bulb blooms.

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Hippeastrum 'Chico' ®

Extreme (cybister) flower shape, dark red with green flowers. Spider Group. Plant the bulb halfway into the potting soil. Use a large pot with an opening for water drainage. Heat is mainly needed for the development of the stem, so place the bulb at room temperature. Give the bulb little water until the stem emerges. Once the bud and leaf appear, the amaryllis needs more water daily. In winter, it takes about 6 to 10 weeks after potting before the bulb blooms.

flowering : 1-4 brown red crimson yellowish green
height : 50-60 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄ morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄ open shade ⋄


where to plant Hippeastrum 'Chico'

  • height: 50-60 cm
  • flowering: January - April
  • color: brown red crimson yellowish green
  • leaf color: green
  • light: full sun sunny morning sun evening sun open shade

botanical information about Hippeastrum 'Chico'