Anemonella thalictroides 'Betty Blake'

A fully double green form found in Michigan by Betty Blake and named for her which only seems right. This has quite perfect lime green flowers.

Anemonella thalictroides 'Betty Blake'

A fully double green form found in Michigan by Betty Blake and named for her which only seems right. This has quite perfect lime green flowers.

flowering : 4-5 yellowish green
height : 15-25 cm
where to plant : morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄ open shade ⋄ filtered ⋄


where to plant Anemonella thalictroides 'Betty Blake'

  • height: 15-25 cm
  • flowering: April - May
  • color: yellowish green
  • leaf color: green
  • habit: tuft
  • growth: medium slow
  • level: difficult moderate
  • light: morning sun evening sun open shade filtered
  • moisture: average moist
  • soil texture: light normal
  • organic matter: normal
  • winter zone: 4 [-30°C]
  • density: 5 - 7

botanical information about Anemonella thalictroides 'Betty Blake'