Barbarea verna

Perennial or Upland Cress In open ground, scattered or in rows from early spring until autumn. Use: the fresh leaves for seasoning green salad, cottage cheese and meat dishes. Its winter hardiness is reasonable well.

Barbarea verna plant © copyright  

Barbarea verna

Perennial or Upland Cress In open ground, scattered or in rows from early spring until autumn. Use: the fresh leaves for seasoning green salad, cottage cheese and meat dishes. Its winter hardiness is reasonable well.

flowering : 4-6
height : - cm
where to plant :

per Unit / size ca. 3 g.

where to plant Barbarea verna

  • height: - cm
  • flowering: April - June
  • winter zone: 10 [susceptible to frost]

botanical information about Barbarea verna