Begonia multiflora 'Lemondrop'

Tuberous begonia, rich and long-flowering. The small lime-yellow flowers are double, semi-double, sometimes single and contrast beautifully with the dark foliage. Flowering time from June until frost, provided they are regularly supplied with water and plant food.

Begonia multiflora 'Lemondrop' plant © copyright  

Begonia multiflora 'Lemondrop'

Tuberous begonia, rich and long-flowering. The small lime-yellow flowers are double, semi-double, sometimes single and contrast beautifully with the dark foliage. Flowering time from June until frost, provided they are regularly supplied with water and plant food.

flowering : 6-9 lemon
height : 10-20 cm
where to plant : sunny ⋄ morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄ open shade ⋄ filtered ⋄


where to plant Begonia multiflora 'Lemondrop'

  • height: 10-20 cm
  • flowering: June - September
  • color: lemon
  • light: sunny morning sun evening sun open shade filtered

botanical information about Begonia multiflora 'Lemondrop'