Beta vulgaris 'Bright Lights'

Swiss Chard Bright Lights

Multicolor Chard - BrigLights Sow directly into final position from early spring until late summer. Thin out if necessary. Very surprising ornamental plants. One can use the baby leaves in a mixed salad.

Beta vulgaris 'Bright Lights' plant © copyright  

Swiss Chard Bright Lights

Beta vulgaris 'Bright Lights'

Multicolor Chard - BrigLights Sow directly into final position from early spring until late summer. Thin out if necessary. Very surprising ornamental plants. One can use the baby leaves in a mixed salad.

size C 1.5L

where to plant Beta vulgaris 'Bright Lights'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Beta vulgaris 'Bright Lights'

  • Botanical name: Beta vulgaris 'Bright Lights'
  • Genus: Beta
  • Family: Chenopodiaceae
  • Other names: Snijbiet Bright Lights (Regenboog) - Swiss Chard Bright Lights - Poiree Decorative Bright Lights - Mangold Bright Lights