Brassica rapa 'Groene'

Turnip Greens Leaves Green

Turnip Greens - Leaves green Sow early spring under glass and afterwards until autumn in open ground, scattered or in rows. The small stems and the young and tender leaves can be prepared like spinach.

Brassica rapa 'Groene' plant © copyright  

Turnip Greens Leaves Green

Brassica rapa 'Groene'

Turnip Greens - Leaves green Sow early spring under glass and afterwards until autumn in open ground, scattered or in rows. The small stems and the young and tender leaves can be prepared like spinach.

per Unit / size ca. 10 g.

where to plant Brassica rapa 'Groene'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Brassica rapa 'Groene'

  • Botanical name: Brassica rapa 'Groene'
  • Genus: Brassica
  • Family: Brassicaceae
  • Other names: Raapstelen Groene - Turnip Greens Leaves Green - Feuilles de Navet vertes Quesse - Rübstiel Stielmus
