Claytonia perfoliata

Winter Purslane

Winter Purslane Early/late spring and late autumn in a cold frame or late spring /early autumn in open ground. The seeds should be scattered. A very healthy winter vegetable, which should be harvested before flowering starts. Can also be eaten raw in salads or cooked as spinach.

Claytonia perfoliata plant © copyright  

Winter Purslane

Claytonia perfoliata

Winter Purslane Early/late spring and late autumn in a cold frame or late spring /early autumn in open ground. The seeds should be scattered. A very healthy winter vegetable, which should be harvested before flowering starts. Can also be eaten raw in salads or cooked as spinach.

flowering : 4-6 white
height : 10-20 cm
where to plant :

size 1.5L

where to plant Claytonia perfoliata

  • height: 10-20 cm
  • flowering: April - June
  • color: white
  • habit: ascending
  • winter zone: 10 [susceptible to frost]

botanical information about Claytonia perfoliata

  • Botanical name: Claytonia perfoliata
  • Genus: Claytonia
  • Family: Portulacaceae
  • Other names: postelein - winter- witte - Winter Purslane - Claytone de Cuba - Winterportulak