Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons'

A bush-type cwith very large,indigo blue flowers, up to three times larger than typical! This is a low growing variety, non-vining type, and it may benefit from light staking or support from nearby plants.

Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons'

A bush-type cwith very large,indigo blue flowers, up to three times larger than typical! This is a low growing variety, non-vining type, and it may benefit from light staking or support from nearby plants.

flowering : 6-8 blue purpleblue
height : 50-60 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄ morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄


where to plant Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons'

  • height: 50-60 cm
  • flowering: June - August
  • color: blue purpleblue
  • leaf color: gray-green
  • habit: wide
  • growth: medium
  • level: easy
  • light: full sun sunny morning sun evening sun
  • moisture: average moist
  • soil texture: pervious light normal
  • organic matter: normal
  • winter zone: 5 [-25°C]
  • density: 3 - 5

Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons' in the garden

  • wildlife: for bees for butterflies rabbitproof
  • use: cutflower

botanical information about Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons'

  • Botanical name: Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons'
  • Genus: Clematis
  • Family: Ranunculaceae
  • Other names: bosrank
  • Breeder: Jelitto Perennial Seeds
  • origin: hybrid
