Crinum bulbispermum

Crinum bulbispermum is a hardy species that can be grown in our climate in the garden. The fragrant, pink flowers with a dark pink vein appear in July-August. The curved leaves are grey-blue.

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Crinum bulbispermum

Crinum bulbispermum is a hardy species that can be grown in our climate in the garden. The fragrant, pink flowers with a dark pink vein appear in July-August. The curved leaves are grey-blue.

flowering : 7-8 white pink
height : 15-75 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄

bulb / size I.
normally in stock
Ref 34445.49

where to plant Crinum bulbispermum

  • height: 15-75 cm
  • flowering: July - August
  • color: white pink
  • leaf color: green
  • light: full sun sunny

botanical information about Crinum bulbispermum