Cucumis melo 'Charentais' (BIO)

Sugar Melon Charentais(BIO)

Sugar Melon - Charentais Sow from mid spring in a protected seedbed at 20°C or later outdoors in frames. Prick out once and plant out in a greenhouse. Keep well watered. The plants must be pinched out regularly to stimulate the harvest.

Cucumis melo 'Charentais' (BIO) plant © copyright  

Sugar Melon Charentais(BIO)

Cucumis melo 'Charentais' (BIO)

Sugar Melon - Charentais Sow from mid spring in a protected seedbed at 20°C or later outdoors in frames. Prick out once and plant out in a greenhouse. Keep well watered. The plants must be pinched out regularly to stimulate the harvest.

Available from 1st of November 2,59
per Unit / size ca. 0.5 g.

where to plant Cucumis melo 'Charentais' (BIO)

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Cucumis melo 'Charentais' (BIO)

  • Botanical name: Cucumis melo 'Charentais' (BIO)
  • Genus: Cucumis
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • Other names: Meloen Charentais (BIO) - Sugar Melon Charentais(BIO) - Melon sucré Charentais BIO) - Zuckermelone Charentais(BIO)