Dahlia 'Dreamy Sunset'

Orange in different shades. Single-flowered dahlia with dark leaves. Height 50 cm. Also suitable as a tub plant, flower size 10 cm.

Dahlia 'Dreamy Sunset' plant © copyright  

Dahlia 'Dreamy Sunset'

Orange in different shades. Single-flowered dahlia with dark leaves. Height 50 cm. Also suitable as a tub plant, flower size 10 cm.

flowering : 7-10 apricot orange
height : 15-50 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄ morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄ open shade ⋄


where to plant Dahlia 'Dreamy Sunset'

  • height: 15-50 cm
  • flowering: July - October
  • color: apricot orange
  • leaf color: brown-red
  • light: full sun sunny morning sun evening sun open shade

botanical information about Dahlia 'Dreamy Sunset'