Gladiolus 'Blue Trophic'

Large-flowered, purple-blue Gladiolus with an extra long spike, perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant structure creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border.

Gladiolus 'Blue Trophic'

Large-flowered, purple-blue Gladiolus with an extra long spike, perfect and impressive cut flower. The plant structure creates beautiful vertical accents in the flower border.

flowering : 7-8 lavender lilac
height : 50-120 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄


where to plant Gladiolus 'Blue Trophic'

  • height: 50-120 cm
  • flowering: July - August
  • color: lavender lilac
  • leaf color: green
  • light: full sun sunny

Gladiolus 'Blue Trophic' in the garden

  • wildlife: for bees for butterflies
  • use: cutflower

botanical information about Gladiolus 'Blue Trophic'