Lactuca sativa 'Witte Dunsel'

Leaf lettuce Blonde Witte Dunsel

Leaf lettuce - Blonde, Witte Dunsel Sow from early spring until late summer in open ground in rows. Sow thickly and do not thin out. Very often used in mixed salads, this lettuce can be prepared both fresh and cooked.

Lactuca sativa 'Witte Dunsel' plant © copyright  

Leaf lettuce Blonde Witte Dunsel

Lactuca sativa 'Witte Dunsel'

Leaf lettuce - Blonde, Witte Dunsel Sow from early spring until late summer in open ground in rows. Sow thickly and do not thin out. Very often used in mixed salads, this lettuce can be prepared both fresh and cooked.

per Unit / size ca. 10 g.

where to plant Lactuca sativa 'Witte Dunsel'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Lactuca sativa 'Witte Dunsel'

  • Botanical name: Lactuca sativa 'Witte Dunsel'
  • Genus: Lactuca
  • Family:
  • Other names: Snijsla Witte Dunsel - Leaf lettuce Blonde Witte Dunsel - Laitue Blonde à couper Witte Dunsel - Schnittsalat Gelber runder Witte Dunsel
