Levisticum officinale

Lovage March-april in a propagator or april-june in a seedbed outdoors; prick out once and plant out later. Use: the fresh or dried leaves for seasoning soups, broths and meat dishes; extracts are recommended for medical treatment.

Levisticum officinale plant © copyright  

Levisticum officinale

Lovage March-april in a propagator or april-june in a seedbed outdoors; prick out once and plant out later. Use: the fresh or dried leaves for seasoning soups, broths and meat dishes; extracts are recommended for medical treatment.

flowering : 7-8 sulfur yellow
height : 180-200 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄ morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄ open shade ⋄

per Unit / size ca. 1.5 g.

where to plant Levisticum officinale

  • height: 180-200 cm
  • flowering: July - August
  • color: sulfur yellow
  • light: full sun sunny morning sun evening sun open shade
  • winter zone: 9 [-5°C]

botanical information about Levisticum officinale