Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning'

One of the selections in the Martagon group, honey yellow flowers with brown speckles, soft pink on the outside. These lilies have a natural look, spread a wild flower scent and are attractive to bumblebees, bees and butterflies. Plant them in a light, humus-rich soil (lime) with good drainage.

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Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning'

One of the selections in the Martagon group, honey yellow flowers with brown speckles, soft pink on the outside. These lilies have a natural look, spread a wild flower scent and are attractive to bumblebees, bees and butterflies. Plant them in a light, humus-rich soil (lime) with good drainage.

flowering : 6-7 brown creamy yellow yellow
height : 50-120 cm
where to plant : full sun ⋄ sunny ⋄ filtered ⋄ shade ⋄

bulb / size 14/16
Minimum purchase: 5
normally in stock
Ref 34495.49

where to plant Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning'

  • height: 50-120 cm
  • flowering: June - July
  • color: brown creamy yellow yellow
  • light: full sun sunny filtered shade
  • pH: limy

Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning' in the garden

  • wildlife: for bees for butterflies

botanical information about Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning'

  • Botanical name: Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning'
  • Genus: Lilium
  • Family: Liliaceae
  • origin: hybrid