Moraea flaccida

(Syn. Homeria flaccida) Cape tulip. Not related to the tulip but one of the many members of the Iridaceae-family. Cup shaped flowers. Not entire hardy, so give them a good groundcover in winter or dig them out in October. Plant the corms in well drained, humus rich soil in full sun. Hardiness zone 9-10. (aurantiaca), salmon-orange flowers.

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Moraea flaccida

(Syn. Homeria flaccida) Cape tulip. Not related to the tulip but one of the many members of the Iridaceae-family. Cup shaped flowers. Not entire hardy, so give them a good groundcover in winter or dig them out in October. Plant the corms in well drained, humus rich soil in full sun. Hardiness zone 9-10. (aurantiaca), salmon-orange flowers.

flowering : 7-9 orange
height : 10-50 cm
where to plant : morning sun ⋄ evening sun ⋄ open shade ⋄ filtered ⋄


where to plant Moraea flaccida

  • height: 10-50 cm
  • flowering: July - September
  • color: orange
  • leaf color: green
  • light: morning sun evening sun open shade filtered

botanical information about Moraea flaccida