Taraxacum officinale 'Improved'

Dandelion Improved Broadleaved

Dandelion - Improved, Broadleaved Sow from March till June outdoors in rows. Lift the roots in late Autumn and cut off the leaves about 2 cm from the top. Place the roots vertically in a pit, approx 25 cm deep. Cover them with mould and straw! Harvest the bleached young leaves in Spring.

Taraxacum officinale 'Improved' plant © copyright  

Dandelion Improved Broadleaved

Taraxacum officinale 'Improved'

Dandelion - Improved, Broadleaved Sow from March till June outdoors in rows. Lift the roots in late Autumn and cut off the leaves about 2 cm from the top. Place the roots vertically in a pit, approx 25 cm deep. Cover them with mould and straw! Harvest the bleached young leaves in Spring.

per Unit / size ca. 0.75 g.

where to plant Taraxacum officinale 'Improved'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Taraxacum officinale 'Improved'

  • Botanical name: Taraxacum officinale 'Improved'
  • Genus: Taraxacum
  • Family:
  • Other names: Molsla Improved - Breedbladig - Dandelion Improved Broadleaved - Pissenlit a coeur plein amélioré - Löwenzahn Kultivierter