On the inside bright orange with on the outside a brown shade. Height 25 cm.
Philadelphus 'Manteau d'Hermine'
Chasmanthe floribunda 'Saturnus'
Cardiocrinum giganteum
Agapanthus 'African Queen'
Anemone coronaria MISTRAL 'Pale'
Dahlia 'Labyrinth Twotone'
Dahlia 'Dark Angel American Pie'
Astilbe 'Dark Side of the Moon'
Anemone coronaria LEVANTE Fuchsia
Dahlia 'Caitlin's Joy'
Anemone coronaria LEVANTE Bianco
Mertensia virginica
Foeniculum vulgare 'Giant Bronze'
Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken'
Galanthus plicatus 'Augustus'
Caladium 'Royal Flush'