Raphanus sativus 'Rode Daikon' (microgreens) plant © copyright  

Raphanus sativus 'Rode Daikon' (microgreens)

Microgreens, Radish Daikon Red

These micro leaves have a fresh, tangy flavour and can be harvested after around one week. Strikingly beautiful colouredMicrogreens, perfect for in salads or with hot oriental dishes. Microgreens are vegetables and herbs that are harvested early and eaten raw. They can be divided into two groups. Micro leaves: harvest both the seed leaf and the stalk or stem attached; the sprout. Baby leaves: harvest the shoots and eat the young leaf. To sow: sprinkle the seeds on the ground and cover them with a thin layer of soil, keep moist.

Available from 1st of November 1,99
per Unit / size 5 g.