Cosmos peucedanifolius 'Flamingo'

A tuber-forming pink flowering Cosmea, reminiscent of an annual Cosmea. Long flowering throughout the summer until late autumn. Plants related to dahlias with fleshy roots. Originating from South and Central America.

Cosmos peucedanifolius 'Flamingo' plant © copyright  

Cosmos peucedanifolius 'Flamingo'

A tuber-forming pink flowering Cosmea, reminiscent of an annual Cosmea. Long flowering throughout the summer until late autumn. Plants related to dahlias with fleshy roots. Originating from South and Central America.


where to plant Cosmos peucedanifolius 'Flamingo'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Cosmos peucedanifolius 'Flamingo'