Galanthus 'Wifi Golf Course'

  Wifi Collection

Large-flowered, stately virescent nivalis. Typical features: blue-gray leaves, striking bract, long ovary and soft green outer petals. The inner petals resemble a grass-green 'golf course' including hole, sometimes with an orange tip at the top. Wifi's second generation selected, among other things, on size and vigor. Flowering time February.

© gardenmedia / coolplants  

Galanthus 'Wifi Golf Course'

  Wifi Collection

Large-flowered, stately virescent nivalis. Typical features: blue-gray leaves, striking bract, long ovary and soft green outer petals. The inner petals resemble a grass-green 'golf course' including hole, sometimes with an orange tip at the top. Wifi's second generation selected, among other things, on size and vigor. Flowering time February.

where to plant Galanthus 'Wifi Golf Course'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Galanthus 'Wifi Golf Course'
