Galanthus 'Wifi Spearhead'

  Wifi Collection

Elwesii monostictus with pointed outer petals. The mark on the inner petals is large and varies from a lotus leaf to a heart shape. The color pattern of the outer petals is more stable and consists of a large green top spot with a white tip. Flowering time November.

© gardenmedia / coolplants  

Galanthus 'Wifi Spearhead'

  Wifi Collection

Elwesii monostictus with pointed outer petals. The mark on the inner petals is large and varies from a lotus leaf to a heart shape. The color pattern of the outer petals is more stable and consists of a large green top spot with a white tip. Flowering time November.

where to plant Galanthus 'Wifi Spearhead'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Galanthus 'Wifi Spearhead'
