Lactuca sativa 'Aspergesla'

Lettuce Celtuce

Lettuce Celtuce Sow indoors or directly in the open ground from March to July. A remarkable lettuce whose stem is a delicacy. Begin the harvest by removing the lower leaves for in salad. The entire plant/stem can be harvested a few weeks later, once the plant is around 40 cm tall.

Lactuca sativa 'Aspergesla' plant © copyright  

Lettuce Celtuce

Lactuca sativa 'Aspergesla'

Lettuce Celtuce Sow indoors or directly in the open ground from March to July. A remarkable lettuce whose stem is a delicacy. Begin the harvest by removing the lower leaves for in salad. The entire plant/stem can be harvested a few weeks later, once the plant is around 40 cm tall.

Available from 1st of November 1,99
per Unit / size ca. 1 g.

where to plant Lactuca sativa 'Aspergesla'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Lactuca sativa 'Aspergesla'

  • Botanical name: Lactuca sativa 'Aspergesla'
  • Genus: Lactuca
  • Family:
  • Other names: Aspergesla - Palmboom sla - Lettuce Celtuce - Laitue Asperge - Spargelsalat
