Galanthus 'Wifi Dotty'

  Wifi Collection


Hybrid, late flowering 'colour changer'. The inner mark consists of 2 intersecting spots at the top (like big eyes) and at the bottom 2 small dots, one on each side of the sinus. Resembles 'Wifi Caret' but has a different inner pattern and flowers slightly earlier. Flowering time February-March.

Galanthus 'Wifi Dotty' plant © copyright  


Galanthus 'Wifi Dotty'

  Wifi Collection

Hybrid, late flowering 'colour changer'. The inner mark consists of 2 intersecting spots at the top (like big eyes) and at the bottom 2 small dots, one on each side of the sinus. Resembles 'Wifi Caret' but has a different inner pattern and flowers slightly earlier. Flowering time February-March.

where to plant Galanthus 'Wifi Dotty'

  • height: - cm
  • flowering:

botanical information about Galanthus 'Wifi Dotty'

  • Botanical name: Galanthus 'Wifi Dotty'
  • Genus: Galanthus
  • Family: Amaryllidaceae
  • Other names: sneeuwklokje - snowdrop - perce neige - schneeglocken
